

Below are common questions that i receive via my e-mail from visitor to this blog. I post them here for your perusal

Q1. I have windows operating system (xp, vista etc). Can i still do it?
A1. Yes.

Q2. What hardware and software do i need in order to run fish?
A2. You need 1) Backtrack3, 2) fish, 3) wifi adapter and 4) Dictionary for WPA

Q3. I do not have cd rom in my pc. What should i do?
A3. You can run bt3 in window via VMplayer, cd-rom (if you have one) and boot from pendrive.

Q4. I am new to linux. Is it difficult to learn the skill?
A4. It is easy. In fact, you don't need to learn any linux line command. Fish is for linux newbie like most of us.

Q5. How long does it takes to learn the skill?
A5. With proper kits and with '' it normally takes 5 minute to learn the skill

Q6. Why are you releasing this knowledge to public. Are you not promoting something illegal here?
A6. I want public to aware of wifi weaknesses and take proper action to plug the loop hole and weaknesses in their system.

Q7. I have a slow internet connection that discourage me from downloading bt3. Can you help?
A7. Email me to get all the necessary software in usb stick by mail.

Q8. Apart from decoding the WEP encryption, what else can your fish do ?
A8. My fish can do the following action. a) decode WEP with station/client b) decode WEP without station/clientless and c)WPA encryption

Q9. I understand that you need a dictionary wordlist to decode WPA encrypted AP. Where can i get one?
A9. I have a 7gb dictionary that have served me well. I can send it to you if you require one

Q10. I am using MAC filtering in my AP on top of WEP/WPA encryption. Is it safe?
A10. Even if with MAC filtering and WEP/WPA, your AP is still vulnerable.

Q11. What is your suggestion for me to secure my AP?
A11. Use very long password (longer than 26 character with special characters). But a resourceful intruder might still able to decode your wifi (with time). What they need is to just capture your 'hand-shake' file and do the actual decoding elsewhere using dictionary

Q12. What are the differences between your fish (trial) and fish (full version) ?
A12. Trial version can decode WEP with station/client only but the fish (full version) can decode 1) WEP with station/client, 2) WEP without station/client and 3) WPA with dictionary

Q13. How can i get the fish (full version) ?
A13. Read my posting #1 to download the fish (trial version). For the lethal full version, kindly email me with your wifi adapter MAC Address. I need to incorporate your Mac Address into the fish (full version) script for your security and control distribution. ONLY YOU be able to access that fish script (full version). This is the reason why i did not upload the fish (full version) to file hosting website. The fish script (size 20kb only) can be sent to your email or sms to your mobile phone.

If you have any more question, don't hesitate to press 'contact me' button.
